Sitemap - 2022 - Precariat musings

Festive content with the Precariat Musings’ seal of approval!

How a generation of journalists got schooled on the perils of wage slavery

The inevitable ‘year in review’ column

How come fortysomethings who can’t accumulate capital don't love capitalism?!

Are content creators finally getting their due?

Are aspirational voters rethinking their aspirations?

Workers can have whatever they want – except higher wages

In the end, it all comes down to being able to afford a home

The time of monsters

Getting a (digital) trade to fall back on

Will ageism be pensioned off soon?

Affirmative action 2.0

Could there be a reason the lower orders keep electing fascists?

Will digital nomadism go mainstream?

The gloves-off global competition for labour

A noble tribune of the plebs departs

What happens to a society with too many chiefs and not enough Indians?

Thirty-nine years is a long time in politics

Quiet quitting – Labour’s latest rebellion

They can take our livelihoods, but they can never take our remote-working freedom!

The joy of having no direct reports

Is the fourth estate capable of intellectual humility?

The demographic winter isn’t coming; it long ago arrived

Some thoughts on the future of work

Is this the economic apocalypse? If so, where are the fallout shelters?

First, the jobless recovery. Next, the job-keeping recession

(Gig economy) winter is coming

Turns out, you really don’t wish you’d spent more time at the office on your deathbed

What is it with corporate psychopaths and flexible working arrangements?

Is woke-washed capitalism over?

Whither the Australian economy?

Who should gig economy types vote for?

Will the boomers ever stop bleeding younger generations dry?

Davos Man shouldn’t get too cocky about Macron’s latest victory

Schrödinger’s insecure worker

Navigating the West’s emerging social credit scheme

After the Great Resignation comes the Significant Freakout

Talent-attracting etiquette for a tight labour market

Can platform socialists defeat our tech overlords?

Web 3.0: Don’t/do/maybe believe the hype

Worry about your brand, not your employer’s

The independent media has already won this war

The last temptation of the knifed

On the wrong side of 40? Join the gig economy

Joe Rogan: gig-economy übermensch

How about a Great Reset for freelancers?

Yes, you should learn to code

Can the gig economy save neoliberal capitalism from itself?

First, the Great Resignation. Next, the Great Client Firing

Coming soon