'It's not the writers who will determine the future of generative AI; it's the readers.' - exactly!
I listened to a podcast this week where the host shared a short episode from his AI hosts, who sounded like two humans. Did it feel as satisfying as listening to two real-life humans? No. Did they sound a little too enthusiastic and earnest? Yes. Would most of the audience notice or even care? Probably not.
I think this is a reality we have to accept and prepare for.
Thanks for the thoughtful feedback, Diana! I get the sense that, much like legacy media employees of yore, nobody wants to hear their life is about to be thrown into chaos, but forewarned is forearmed.
Not at all. You can easily think that an A.I. doesn't and could never have a soul and still accept everything written above. Indeed, that makes it much worse.
'It's not the writers who will determine the future of generative AI; it's the readers.' - exactly!
I listened to a podcast this week where the host shared a short episode from his AI hosts, who sounded like two humans. Did it feel as satisfying as listening to two real-life humans? No. Did they sound a little too enthusiastic and earnest? Yes. Would most of the audience notice or even care? Probably not.
I think this is a reality we have to accept and prepare for.
Thanks for the thoughtful feedback, Diana! I get the sense that, much like legacy media employees of yore, nobody wants to hear their life is about to be thrown into chaos, but forewarned is forearmed.
maybe it’s coming for your job even if you are special.
I fear it's coming for all the jobs, regardless of how special any individual jobholder may be.
People will be able to cope as long as they can say that AI doesn't have "soul", whatever that means.
Not at all. You can easily think that an A.I. doesn't and could never have a soul and still accept everything written above. Indeed, that makes it much worse.
Thanks, AFKAH! Hadn't heard of Ed Zitron before but will check out that link.