Unfortunately we can't just get average middle-manager types to fill tech roles to compensate for their already unnecessary jobs disappearing. Perhaps some sort of bionic brain appendage to ensure they aren't as dumb as currently will help with that transition?
Thanks, Scott - IMHO there's far too much attention paid to the unlikely prospect of working class jobs, such as truck driving, being automated away in the near future and not nearly enough attention paid to the very likely prospect of a lot of white-collar workers finding themselves replaced with a software program.
Artists and musicians aren't immune from being replaced either. There was an example from a couple of days ago where someone won an art competition using AI software which converted a line of text into an image. Also, I've seen one experiment where people preferred AI generated music over great pieces created by humans. If creative types can be replaced, anyone can.
True that. I'm just hoping that AI, which is already encroaching on my turf, won't be able to entirely replace writers for at least another 5-10 years.
Unfortunately we can't just get average middle-manager types to fill tech roles to compensate for their already unnecessary jobs disappearing. Perhaps some sort of bionic brain appendage to ensure they aren't as dumb as currently will help with that transition?
Thanks, Scott - IMHO there's far too much attention paid to the unlikely prospect of working class jobs, such as truck driving, being automated away in the near future and not nearly enough attention paid to the very likely prospect of a lot of white-collar workers finding themselves replaced with a software program.
Spot on ! I've thought much the same myself. It's far more likely to be process oriented white collar jobs that are for the chop.
Artists and musicians aren't immune from being replaced either. There was an example from a couple of days ago where someone won an art competition using AI software which converted a line of text into an image. Also, I've seen one experiment where people preferred AI generated music over great pieces created by humans. If creative types can be replaced, anyone can.
True that. I'm just hoping that AI, which is already encroaching on my turf, won't be able to entirely replace writers for at least another 5-10 years.
well done
I think your most nuanced/relevant article yet.
The issues raised here are spot on In my opinion (is that IMHO??!)
100% certain- we will automate all the middle level processing jobs and everyone will move to higher "value add ones"--- for sure.:P....
Economic inequality + "integrity" inequality == next revolution?
Led by Accountant in an MJ Bale suit with live beheadings on Tik-Tok?